The Crypt

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Want to know more?

Your hosts, Goof and Jeroen, select and share stories about the finest Alternative, Post-Punk, New Wave, Goth, Industrial, Cold-Wave, and Darksynth tracks—music with a shiny, dark edge.

In our show, we share the stories behind hot new releases and classic songs; we bring you interviews with fresh new bands and sometimes enhance our episodes with a Goth-approved book or movie tip. The most beautiful flowers grow in the moonlight at the ravine’s edge. We’ve gathered them for you to celebrate the night with us!

Enjoy the music and share what you like. Many of these tracks are old, some almost forgotten, and others are new and worth more attention than they are currently getting.

Our mission at The Infected is to spread what we love and is worth your attention. Each time we endorse a work of art, each new entry point we create that points to it, and in each story we share, we aim to add value.

That is always the goal, to be a platform supporting the dreamers, the seers, and the creators. The ones lost in the woods, loving every minute of it, reporting back to us afterward in music and lyrics. It has been a wild ride so far, and we thank you for participating!